Bosch Connected Devices and Solutions

Bosch Connected Devices and Solutions - Bosch CDS develops and markets innovative connected devices and tailor-made solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT). Bosch CDS competencies in electronics, sensor technology, and software enable new business models for global markets. Using Bosch Sensortec sensors to create, users improve everyday life, increase comfort, security, and productivity.
Kāwai Hua
Nga Hua Hou

Bosch BMI270 IMU includes intuitive gesture, context, and activity recognition with an integrated plug-and-play step counter.

Rangi: 2019-03-27

BOSCH Sensortec BMX160 Shuttle Board is available at Mouser Electronics and features a BMX160 9-DOF sensor mounted on it.

Rangi: 2019-03-12

Bosch Integrated Wearable Solutions provide sensing solutions to enable wearable applications with ultra-low power, accurate and highly integrated sensing solutions.

Rangi: 2019-02-07

Bosch Connected Industrial Sensor Solution (CISS) is a multi-sensor device based on MEMS technology, designed to detect acceleration and vibration, as well as a wide range of environmental conditions.

Rangi: 2018-08-14

Bosch BMA400 Shuttle Boards are available at Mouser and comprise the BMA400 acceleration sensor mounted onto a PCB.

Rangi: 2018-07-12

Bosch BMA400 Triaxial Accelerometers are ultra-low power accelerometers, available at Mouser, that are ideal for wearable and IoT devices with always-on battery systems.

Rangi: 2018-07-12

BMI085 IMUs for AR and VR, inertial measurement units combining a 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope into a single device.

Rangi: 2018-06-04

Bosch Sensortec BMP388 Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor is a very small, low-power and a low-noise 24-bit sensor housed in an extremely compact 10-pin metal-lid LGA package.

Rangi: 2018-05-08

Bosch BMP38x Shuttle Board is a PCB with a BMP38x pressure sensor and a temperature sensor mounted on it.

Rangi: 2018-01-26

Bosch BMA456 Digital Triaxial MEMS Acceleration Sensors are 16-bit acceleration sensors, available at Mouser in a compact, 2mm x 2mm x 0.65mm package.

Rangi: 2017-09-11

Bosch BMA456 Acceleration Sensor Shuttleboards are available at Mouser, comprising a BMA456 sensor mounted to a PCB for simple socket access to the sensor pins.

Rangi: 2017-09-11

Bosch BMA423 Digital Triaxial MEMS Acceleration Sensors are 12-bit acceleration sensors, available at Mouser in a compact, 2mm x 2mm x 0.95mm package.

Rangi: 2017-09-11

Bosch BMA423 Acceleration Sensor Shuttleboards are available at Mouser, comprising a BMA423 sensor mounted to a PCB for simple socket access to the sensor pins.

Rangi: 2017-09-11

Bosch BMA253 Triaxial Low-G Acceleration Sensor allows measurement of acceleration in three perpendicular axes with variable VDDIO voltage ranges from 1.2-3.6V.

Rangi: 2017-05-30

Bosch Connected Devices TDL110 Transport Data Logger (TDL) is available at Mouser and makes the delivery of process goods visible and traceable.

Rangi: 2017-03-28

Bosch BMG250 Low Noise, Low Power Triaxial Gyroscope is a three axial gyroscope that provides a precise angular rate measurement and is available at Mouser.

Rangi: 2016-08-04

Bosch Sensortec BMF055 9-Axis Motion Sensor features an integrated acceleration sensor, gyroscope, geomagnetic sensor, and microcontroller.

Rangi: 2016-02-29

Bosch Sensortec BNO055 USB Stick is available at Mouser and contains the BNO055 9-axis orientation sensor and an MCU that interfaces to the USB port.

Rangi: 2016-01-01